Thank You Lord

    Something For Your Spirit

     Elder Thomas W. Burgess

Thank You Lord

Scripture Reference
Psalm 95:2

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms (KJV)...

It seems to be on the minds of many, we don't have reasons to be thankful anymore. According to some, we have a President of the United States that was not born here and does not love America (which is silly)...the degree of hatred among people is seemingly at an all time high. Police are killing people for little to no justification, people are killing each other at alarming rates in many cities across America, worldwide fear of groups determined to kill any and everyone who doesn't believe what they believe and on and on and on.  

The definition of thankfulness is...heartfelt gratitude  to God expressed in response to his love and mercy. We should always give thanks and have a heart for thanksgiving because no matter how bad things may seem, it could be worse and quite honestly there is so much to be thankful for.

The 100th Psalm verse 4 says...Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him and bless his name...verse 5...For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. That alone is reason to say "Thank you Lord.

For some time now, I have posted on Google+ and facebook daily just telling God Thank You. I have reached the point and age where I am very conscious of the reality of fewer days in front of me than behind me. When my wife is sleeping, I find myself listening to her breathe, telling her how much I love her when we wake up because Grace, Mercy and God's Love had been extended to us one more time.

There is reason to Thank The Lord because you are in your right mind, you have the use of your faculties and limbs, you are healthy or have a reasonable portion of health and strength, your children, grand children and great grand children are alive, you have food to eat. If you don't, isn't it amazing how God will bring someone to you willing to buy you food or put money into your hand.

Even in death we have reason to say Thank You for that person's life and what they imparted into yours. Thank God for His Son and for the debt he paid for our salvation. Thank you Lord even though I struggle to pay bills and stay ahead, you always provide for me. Thank you Lord because even though my car may be falling apart, you keep it running so I don't have to have a car note.

Thank you Lord for Goodness and Mercy all the day's of my life, Thank You Lord for those reading this. The Holy Spirit spoke to me to share these words so someone going through will be encouraged. Thank You Lord for my Pastor praying over our lives early in the morning while we slept. Thank You Lord for the opportunity to witness about your Love for all mankind.

Though I am not wealthy by the world's standard, I have you in my heart and that makes me more wealthy than one who has millions but doesn't know you. Thank You Lord because You honor covenants (promises)...You told Abraham his descendants would be is thousands of years later and we today are blessed because of that promise. (Genesis 12:3)...Only God could make that promise and never break it so Thank You Lord.

Thank You God for Your Word...John 3:16...For You so loved world that You gave Your only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Thank You Lord for allowing me to be a whosoever.

Thank You Lord because You are Worthy of All Honor. Glory and Praise.

Latest comments

15.05 | 02:29

Thank you for sharing.

06.03 | 16:51

Thank you for sharing, it is so very true that his abiding love produces great faith, which has produced peace in my life over and over again, allows me to live through my midnight to wake up to JOY!

02.03 | 01:20

Amen and AMEN! HE’s sweet. I KNOW...❤️🙏🏽

21.06 | 05:36

Thanks for keeping me in mind.

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